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Osage Beach Embraces New Development and Technology Amidst Controversy with License Plate Readers



Osage Beach, Missouri – As the city of Osage Beach welcomes new developments like the Oasis and Marriott, local authorities are also preparing for the challenges these changes bring, particularly in terms of public safety and infrastructure.

In a recent city meeting, officials discussed the implications of these new establishments on local traffic and safety. “With the Oasis coming in, the Marriott coming in, people are already seeing the surge in interest from developers for additional hotel projects. “The Oasis is probably the attraction for that, in my opinion,” they added, suggesting a ripple effect of economic growth.

However, with growth comes the need for enhanced safety measures. The city has been actively buying license plate readers (LPRs) to enhance law enforcement capabilities.


The discussion around LPRs has sparked debate, particularly concerning privacy. “Some comments on social media have been about violations of the Fourth Amendment,” noted one speaker, addressing public concerns. They went on to explain that LPRs only capture license plates, which are government-issued, thus not directly infringing on personal privacy. “It’s about reading a government document on a government road,” they argued, countering claims of personal rights violations.

The effectiveness of LPRs was illustrated with a recent crime where an ATM theft led to the arrest of four individuals, including one with a murder warrant, thanks to the technology. “Because of a license plate reader, they were able to track these individuals down in Oklahoma,” the official stated, underlining the potential benefits for crime prevention and resolution.

Yet, not everyone is on board. Camden County has ordinances against using LPRs in unincorporated areas, and there’s a pushback at the state level with House Bill 658, aiming to ban them statewide. This has caused friction, with local leaders like Alderman Rucker being vocal about their utility and urging citizens to engage with county commissioners to reconsider their stance.


As Osage Beach navigates these changes, the city leadership remains open to public input. “If you have a beef, I want to hear about it,” said Mayor Harmison, emphasizing a commitment to transparency and community involvement in shaping the city’s future.

SPANISH: A medida que la ciudad de Osage Beach da la bienvenida a nuevos desarrollos como el Oasis y el Marriott, las autoridades locales también se están preparando para los desafíos que estos cambios traen, particularmente en términos de seguridad pública e infraestructura.

En una reciente reunión municipal, los funcionarios discutieron las implicaciones de estos nuevos establecimientos en el tráfico y la seguridad local. “Con la llegada del Oasis y el Marriott, la gente ya está viendo el aumento de interés por parte de los desarrolladores en proyectos adicionales de hoteles. El Oasis probablemente es la atracción para eso, en mi opinión”, añadieron, sugiriendo un efecto dominó de crecimiento económico.

Sin embargo, con el crecimiento viene la necesidad de medidas de seguridad mejoradas. La ciudad ha estado considerando activamente la implementación de lectores de placas de matrícula (LPRs) para mejorar las capacidades de aplicación de la ley.

[Enlace al video:]


La discusión sobre los LPRs ha generado debate, especialmente en lo que respecta a la privacidad. “Algunos comentarios en las redes sociales han sido sobre violaciones de la Cuarta Enmienda”, señaló un orador, abordando las preocupaciones públicas. Explicaron que los LPRs solo capturan las placas de matrícula, las cuales son emitidas por el gobierno, por lo que no infringen directamente la privacidad personal. “Se trata de leer un documento gubernamental en una carretera gubernamental”, argumentaron, contrarrestando las afirmaciones de violación de derechos personales.

La efectividad de los LPRs se ilustró con un crimen reciente donde el robo de un ATM llevó al arresto de cuatro individuos, incluyendo uno con una orden de captura por asesinato, gracias a esta tecnología. “Debido a un lector de placas de matrícula, pudieron rastrear a estos individuos hasta Oklahoma”, afirmó un funcionario, subrayando los posibles beneficios para la prevención y resolución del crimen.

Sin embargo, no todos están de acuerdo. El condado de Camden tiene ordenanzas en contra del uso de LPRs en áreas no incorporadas, y hay una resistencia a nivel estatal con el Proyecto de Ley 658 de la Cámara, que busca prohibirlos en todo el estado. Esto ha causado fricción, con líderes locales como el Alderman Rucker siendo vocales sobre su utilidad y urgiendo a los ciudadanos a interactuar con los comisionados del condado para reconsiderar su postura.


Mientras Osage Beach navega por estos cambios, el liderazgo de la ciudad sigue abierto a la opinión pública. “Si tienes alguna queja, quiero escucharla”, dijo el Alcalde Harmison, enfatizando un compromiso con la transparencia y la participación comunitaria en la configuración del futuro de la ciudad.

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Osage Beach City Debunks Shock Jock’s Fabricated Raid Tale



In a move to set the record straight, the City of Osage Beach has issued a stern rebuke against a misleading satire concocted by local shock jock, Nathan Rinne. The story, which painted the city in an unfairly draconian light, claimed that a resident faced a dramatic raid due to an oversight on hot water heater inspections.

The city’s official statement reads:

” It has come to our attention that someone outside the Osage Beach community is impersonating the City by posting fake press releases with our official logo on social media. These misleading posts are not from us, and we want to make sure you have the right information straight from the source.”

The fabricated narrative by local radio host Nathan Rinne suggested a scenario where city officials stormed a local’s property, an action that not only never occurred but also misrepresents the city’s approach to community services and inspections.


Here’s how the City of Osage Beach is clarifying the channels for accurate information:

  • Official Social Media: Stay updated through our verified accounts on Facebook and Instagram.
  • City Website: All authentic news and updates can be found at
  • Monthly Newsletter: For direct updates, residents are encouraged to subscribe to the city’s newsletter at [ ].

Many speculate on the motivations behind such misleading content. This incident underscores the broader issue of misinformation in local media, where sensationalism can overshadow factual reporting.

The City of Osage Beach is keen to mend any rifts caused by this misinformation, urging residents to rely on official channels for factual updates and reminding everyone of the community’s commitment to safety, transparency, and mutual respect.

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Osage Beach Police Department K-9 Unit Recovers Methamphetamine in Drug Trafficking Arrest



Osage Beach, Mo. – On Wednesday, February 5, the Osage Beach Police Department K-9 Unit, in collaboration with the Mid-Missouri Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force, arrested a suspected drug trafficker, leading to the seizure of a 1⁄4 lb. of methamphetamine.
The Task Force had been tracking 43-year-old Michael L. Hartwell as part of an ongoing investigation and followed him into Camden County. Upon entering Osage Beach, Task Force officers requested assistance from the Osage Beach Police Department.

Corporal Stephen Riner located Hartwell in the 5900 block of Osage Beach Parkway, where he
observed Hartwell enter a vehicle and drive away. Cpl. Riner confirmed Hartwell did not have a valid driver’s license with Osage Beach Police Dispatch and followed the suspect. When Hartwell pulled into a closed business, Cpl. Riner initiated contact.
During the interaction, Hartwell displayed signs of drug use. When asked for consent to search the vehicle, Hartwell refused. At that point, K-9 Officer Freya was deployed for a “free air” sniff, and she signaled the presence of illegal drugs. A subsequent search of the vehicle uncovered:

  • Four baggies contained approximately 1⁄4 lb. of methamphetamine
  • Hypodermic needles
  • Glass pipe
  • Two digital scales
  • Metal scoop
  • Small box with a white crystal substance
  • Portable battery with a white crystal substance believed to be meth
  • $175 in cash
    Hartwell was on probation for and parole for Possession of a Controlled Substance. He was taken into
    custody and transported to the Camden County Jail. He has been charged with Trafficking Drugs or
    Attempt – 1st Degree – Over Statutory Amount, with bond denied. This arrest marks another successful
    collaboration between the Osage Beach Police Department and the Mid-Missouri Multi-Jurisdictional
    Task Force in the fight against drug trafficking.
    All individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Charges filed are merely
    accusations, and defendants are entitled to a fair trial.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael O’Day, Administrative Lieutenant
Date: 2/7/2025 573-302-2010 ext. 1101 |

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